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Bible Study

Ark of Safety Christian Church 2529 Charwood Street , St. Charles, MO

Our bible study, also known as Tuesday Night Live, is a chance to get a more in depth look at Word of God. Pastor Horry ties the teaching of the Word of God into practical applications in our every day lives.

Recurring Event Youth Sunday

Youth Sunday

Ark of Safety Christian Church 2529 Charwood Street , St. Charles, MO

Every 5th Sunday our Youth Department, Fire4Christ,  will deliver a message geared towards youth of the Ark of Safety. Services can be viewed at the following locations (click the link) Website, YouTube, Facebook at their regularly scheduled times.

Bible 101: A Walk Through the Bible

Ark of Safety Christian Church 2529 Charwood Street , St. Charles, MO

Join us as we dive deeper into the bible as we build on our foundation of biblical knowledge, from Genesis to Revelation.

Marriage Workshop feat. Bishop and Mrs. Charles E. Wallace

Ark of Safety Christian Church 2529 Charwood Street , St. Charles, MO

A special edition of our monthly Marriage Works, If You Work It work shop featuring Bishop and Mrs. Charles E. Wallace. At times we are all together and other times we mix and match men and women into smaller groups to tackle issues that might seem a little difficult to talk about with your spouse. For more information, you can visit